Today I had to be at work at 5 a.m. I normally do not start work at this time and what I am doing is similar to freelance work so it is only on occasion. Thank GOD. Operating on maybe 5 hours of sleep and then trying to carry out some semblance of a day is crazy. I do manage to take a short nap but it is my three amigos that do me in.
My husband always tells me to take it easy when I am doing this shift but that is not part of my DNA. I want to do it all, have it all and lose it all before bedtime. I have been trying to train for a 5K, which was supposed to be the kick off of my Takin' Back 40 celebration year. Of course running any distance is not a celebration but a near death experience for me. I ran track in high school but I was the worst runner EVER. My parents wouldn't even show up for my meets, that's how bad I was. I earned a 4th place once, which for me was like winning a gold medal, but there were only 5 of us in this particular heat. (Not sure what was wrong with the 5th place winner. I think she may have had the flu and was disoriented.)
Anyway, there is a race on Saturday in a community I am very familiar with. I am pretty sure I can do it and have been able to run 3 miles a couple times in the past two weeks. The problem is, with my work schedule this week, my training time is limited. I had to take the kids with me on my run today and I knew this created the possibility for trouble. It was 85 degrees and past 4 o'clock. My energy level was not optimal and pushing an 11 year old clunky stroller as you run is like something Rocky should have done when he was training to take on Mr. T.
Needless to say, I only ran 2 miles. Ok, almost 2 miles but I didn't want my older children to have to call 911 when I collapsed. The verdict is still out on what I will decide about Saturday's race but the time at the park today was not all in vain. The kids made a new friend, we saw a heron, a turtle and lots of ducks in the lake near the track. I managed to enjoy one of our final afternoons before we cross the finish line of summer vacation. Taking it all in instead of getting it all done might be the new way to go.
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