Thursday, April 16, 2020

A Three Hour Tour

So how are you holding up?

What is this? Day 1,002 of social distancing?

Do you feel like Gilligan - just hoping the professor can figure out a way to get us off of COVID Island?

I thought things were going pretty well until I went to Aldi yesterday and the cashier called me "sir". Yes, I need a haircut and highlights and maybe going braless was a bad idea.  I could have my husband cut my hair but I think I would rather be called sir.

It really isn't fair. My youngest has a head full of curls and my daughter has long hair she can pull back. I'm not sure what to do with my head right now. I have to wash my hair every day to help it look half decent and the key word there is half. The "sir" incident was actually a wash day.

I bought a box of hair dye a few weeks ago, before they started disappearing from store shelves, and it is still sitting on the kitchen table. My daughter agreed to help me out but I really haven't cared that much about fixing my hair. In all honesty, where am I going? Date nights consist of watching Netflix shows in bed, while wearing yoga pants and a sweatshirt.

I was watching a movie the other day and there was a scene in a restaurant. A romantic candlelight dinner at a table for two surrounded by other patrons. The woman was in a lovely dress and her makeup looked amazing. The man was in a suit. Freshly shaved, and I imagine wearing cologne. (Unlike the mountain man I've been cozying up to lately.)

I felt a bit sad - wondering when we will get to a point that would be possible again. It seems like decades ago when my husband and I were out for dinner, just the two of us. But then I thought - that seems like a lot of work. Getting dolled up, driving to a restaurant, waiting for food...Really? I have a pantry full of ramen and a plethora of Easter chocolate so for the moment - bon appetite.

As much as I am looking forward to doing the things we used to be able to do - it will take some time for me to get back in the practice of "living". Showers everyday, setting alarms for 5:30 a.m., actually going to church instead of watching the service on my computer - in our jammies. My family has settled nicely into the less demanding routine of social distancing. It might take us a while to adjust to social approaching.

This week has been chilly which hasn't done well for the morale at Casa Keleschenyi. Luckily, we just signed up for Disney Plus so we have a number of great animated movies at our disposal. In addition, there are a number of classics like Herbie The Love Bug, The Parent Trap and, my favorite, The Sound of Music we can get reacquainted with.

With snow back in the forecast this week, I am thinking about putting up the Christmas tree for a day. Listening to carols and eating sugar cookies might be just what is needed to lift our spirits. Plus, we still have our Christmas lights up so while we are at it - we can flick those on too.

Here is to whatever you are doing to get by right now. Even if you're looking more like Gilligan than Ginger it's ok. And maybe all I need is a white bucket hat to help out with my hair situation these days. Ironically, they are on the trend list for spring/summer of 2020. Who knew the cure for a bad hair month could lead to me being a fashionista? Stay tuned folks - there is more to come from Covid Island.

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