Thursday, October 6, 2016

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Sometimes I think I was born at the wrong time. If you know me you know my affinity for the music of the 60's, especially the entire Beatles' catalogue. Yes, I missed out on Beatlemania by a little over a decade, but quite frankly, I think the excitement would have killed me. As much as I love listening to their music, I am not sure if I would have been one the screamers, but just being at one of their concerts, being in their presence and among other like minded fans, would have been beyond exhilarating.

This past weekend I was finally able to watch the much touted Ron Howard Beatles' documentary ‘Eight Days a Week - The Touring Years'. I really wanted to see it in the theater but the only local one that was showing it was in Dormont, with only one daily showing. I couldn't wait any longer to shlep out to the South Hills so I did what many people have done, sign up for a free trial of Hulu, a Netflix wannabe, but with more current programming.

The documentary was being promoted as having new revelations about the Fab Four. After 52 years since their U.S. debut, how could there be anything fans don't already know? Yes, I knew there was never before seen footage unearthed, but considering all the books, articles, liner notes and anthologies, I was skeptical.

From the moment we, yes - my family watched it with me, pressed play, I was entranced. The concert footage was incredible, even if the Hulu version is missing extras from The Beatles' 1965 Shea Stadium performance. I loved seeing the guys play together and enjoy playing together. Watching the early shows, before the monotony of touring began to weigh on them, you are transported to a simpler time when music was fun and an escape from the troubles of the world.

While I was watching I couldn't help think of my co-worker Ernie Spisak who frequently makes colorful references to the music of his youth in his weekly columns in The Valley Mirror. I always pick up on his references, because like I said, I was born at the wrong time. Ernie lived through this and boy, am I jealous. I also think of my dad who was on a date the night The Beatles first performed on Ed Sullivan. He lost the girl because, for that night, four lads from Liverpool were a little more important than stealing a kiss in the living room.

I have been listening to The Beatles since I was five. I remember walking into my parents' bedroom and hearing this amazing noise coming from their clock radio. You know, I don't even remember what the song was, but I remember hearing the KDKA radio DJ saying, "And that was The Beatles!" From that moment on John, Paul, Ringo and George, became a fixture in my life and would provide the soundtrack for my youth, teenage years and beyond - decades after they were no longer a band.

Years ago on WRRK, they would air Beatles Christmas. Starting at 6 p.m. on Christmas Eve the radio station would air 24 hours of straight Beatles' tunes with limited commercial breaks. I made so many mixed tapes trying to compile a complete catalogue of all their songs…even the odd ones like, "You Know My Name Look Up The Number." While everyone was singing "Silent Night", I was outside lighting luminaries listening to my Walkman singing "Sexy Sadie". I can only hope God likes The Beatles too because, well, maybe there should be some penance due for that?

With that being said, even though I wasn't around in the 60's, I've had my own little Beatlemania, and now it is continuing through my children. We've had Beatle themed birthday parties and just last year, my oldest and I went to see Paul McCartney in State College. (It was my son's first concert.)

While watching Ron Howard's documentary can teach fans a thing or two about the ‘touring years', at this point for me, it is about sharing my passion for the greatest band in rock n' roll history because The Beatles had something that captured a generation. Although I was born too late to live it first hand each time I hear one of their songs I am once again that little girl, who in an instant, began a love affair that will last my entire lifetime.

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