I am a struggling Steelers fan. I have been for about the past five years. Don’t get me wrong. I love the Black and Gold and root for them each week, but the players' off-the-field antics over the years have made it hard to be the fan I know I could be. The fan I am when Landry Jones plays.
Growing up in the 70’s near Pittsburgh, I felt like I knew Terry, Lynn, Jack, and Franco. We referred to them using only first names in my parents’ home. Photos of the team were hung on the walls intermingled with family photos. Commemorative I.C. Light cans were the equivalent of anything ordered from a Home Interiors party.
My dad hosted Steelers parties, traveled to Super Bowls - truly enjoyed the excitement of those 70’s teams. The excitement spilled over to us kids and while I did not really understand the game, I was under 6, I did like the snacks, camaraderie and Steelers Polka. We played that 45 until the grooves wore out.
I took some time off from being a fan during college until my senior year when the Steelers went to the Super Bowl. The guys who lived next door were diehard fans. They painted the Steelers’ logo on their living room wall, stacked up their couches like bleachers on game days and made sure there was plenty of I.C. Light on hand.
I don’t remember much talk back then about the players’ off the field character or extracurricular activities. Even if there was, I wasn’t a parent trying to raise three children in a society where positive examples are often few and far between. I was a fun loving 20 something, voting for Perot, listening to Dave Matthews, living on a diet of Oodles of Noodles, Pop Tarts and Coca-Cola. (Talk about the good life!)
There were some shaky times with Big Ben but it appears he has turned his life around and now has a beautiful wife and family. No one can deny he is one of the most talented quarterbacks in the NFL and at times when he throws the football it is truly a thing of beauty – and this coming from a girl who would much rather spend an afternoon at the Carnegie Museum of Art wondering what an artist was thinking than at Heinz Field wondering what Tomlin is thinking.
But then there is Landry. Ok. Maybe I have a slight crush. His hipster look and attitude is nothing short of what my husband brings to the table. Landry’s ‘Don’t Panic’ speech is something I need to hear daily. I go from 1 to bonkers at the slightest hint of a diversion from the plan. I am working on this by repeating the mantra – “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough and doggone it, people like me.” Yeah, so what if I stole it from Stuart Smalley. It works.
Ok, back to Landry. We all know he does not have the precision of Ben Roethlisberger but he has talent. He made some pretty gutsy throws last week, which had me holding my breath. I love stories when people are up against the odds and go out there and do their best when they could easily crumble.
I am drawn to a good underdog story, probably because I have one of my own. I spent a few years of my childhood getting the business because of my speech impediment. I could not make a clear “s” sound to save my life. Braces and speech therapy would later correct this defect. I wish I could go back to that little girl and tell her one day, your voice will be broadcast over both television and radio airways when you become a reporter. Yes, there was a time when that seemed highly unlikely.
A win last Sunday was also highly unlikely but if a bad call, missed field goals and interception weren’t mixed in with those gutsy throws he would have gotten that W.
I want Big Ben to be strong enough and come back to the game as quickly as possible. The team needs him if there is any chance of making it to the playoffs, but I hope Landry gets one more chance to come out there and get that win.
He is not of the caliber of Mr. Roethlisberger but for this gal, rooting for Landry is like rooting for a friend – a friend who may not be the biggest, strongest or most adept for the job but one who has enough heart to inspire us to do our best and to never give up – no matter what the odds makers may say.
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