Thursday, September 8, 2016

A Date With Stu

Reporting the news of the Steel Valley and Woodland Hills communities involves meeting different people from all walks of life. There are some people who have made an impression that will stay with me as long as I live. One of those people was William “Stu” Getz of Swissvale.

It was two years ago that I had my first run in with Stu. It was during Swissvale’s Community Days. I had been there, taking pictures of the festivities, and getting volunteers for our Opinions On The Street feature. Stu had been sitting under the covered table area, as it was a very hot and sunny day.

He must have noticed me talking to various people and wanted to get in on the action. And for an obvious reason, he had a story to tell, and he wanted me to tell it. 

I saw him standing there waiting to talk to me thinking to myself, I wonder what this guy wants. When I finally turned my attention his way he said, “I’m Stu Getz. I’m a World War II Veteran. If you want to talk to me, I’ll be sitting over there.”

I knew our conversation would take a while. I did not want to blow him off but I was short on time. When I had a chance to go over and speak to him, I told him I really wanted to hear his story, but wanted to call him during the week so we could talk. Stu was a little hard of hearing so this interview would need to be done in person so we set up a time on a Tuesday.

When I arrived at Stu’s house he was sitting on the porch, wearing his Army cap. It would be a lie to say I didn’t get choked up as I walked down the sidewalk. I couldn’t stop thinking about my own grandfather who served in World War II. I never had the opportunity to talk to him about his experiences and I felt privileged to be able to be in the company of someone who was so proud to be a veteran, and could recall events as if they had happened yesterday.

Stu sent me a thank you note after my story ran. That is the kind of person he was, thoughtful and appreciative of the little things in life. Before that summer was over, I was in the neighborhood and stopped in to say hello. We sat on the porch once again and he told me stories about his wife and children. The time flew and before I knew it, the streetlights had come on.

Stu passed away last April and I feel badly that I did not get to see him one last time. I am grateful for that day in July when he waited to speak to me and I am thankful that when I rode past his house the other day, the American flags are still attached to the light pole out front.

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