Friday, November 1, 2013

Trick or....treat?

I am so disappointed today and over a stupid picture. All I wanted to do with this blog was do something to make myself feel better about turning 40. In the beginning I wanted to do something special each month leading up to the event. we are in November and I really have nothing to show for myself. I sound like a whiny baby and I am trying to keep perspective.  I think it is not so much about the unran 5k or the family Halloween photo that didn't happen. I really think it is my disappointment in not being able to stay dedicated to this project. I thought I would be able to devote time to this more often than I am. 
Halloween...we finally got a family themed costume idea that everyone would be on board with. Everyone was supposed to be a character from the Adventure Time cartoon. The night of Halloween, the two year old  refused to put his Jake jowls on, Beemo (my oldest)was doubled over on the couch with his weekly stomach pain episode and Finn (my husband) was stuck in traffic, late getting home from work. So we were already behind the eight ball right out of the gate. When we finally had a chance to try to take the photo, candy pieces littered the floor, the little guy was mesmerized by a blue bag of cool ranch Doritos and a camera malfunction added to the pandemonium that ensued. My husband told me that I expected the world and then the Fire Princess (me)  literally saw red and the effed up photo shoot came to an end. 
I don't really ask for much but I hate to admit it, I was asking for the world at that moment. You cannot control kids especially when a camera is in play but I was tasting failure again, and I was defeated. Sometimes I feel like the things I want to do often wind up at the bottom of the pile, perhaps to be revisited when I am about to turn 50. I feel like I am constantly getting lost in the shuffle.
But on the upside, a few neat things have happened that have made me realize that trying new things, may be the key to youth. I ate a slice of tomato for the first time a few weeks ago. A coworker brought in homemade hoagies and there were slices of tomato on them. I didn't want to pick them off in front of the others in the office so...I chomped away. Not bad. Also I've started drinking black coffee at work. This also started because I am new in the office and didn't want to look like a sissy and say, "hey, where is the half and half? Sugar?" I am not saying that this is my new mode of drinking coffee but I am enjoying it in my work setting. I also like the decrease in my sugar intake!
Last week, I was told that despite the fact that I have 3 children, one of whom is 11, I look about 19. Ok, this is so far from the truth, especially since a  dye job is months overdue and I am a few weeks away from looking like Emmy Lou Harris but... sometimes lies when spoken by a man who is not your husband are easy on the ear. So what if the guy is in his 50's, is on his second marriage, and has 8 kids? A compliment is a compliment damn it, right?

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