It is a unique collection of items I've gathered over the years.
From jewelry, to key chains to pet toys and socks - we have a bit of everything. They were bought at the holiday Snowflake Shop. If you are unfamiliar with a Snowflake Shop maybe you have heard it referred to by another name, maybe Christmas Shop or Santa Shop. These annual boutiques are set up at schools so kids can have an opportunity, they might not have otherwise, to buy presents for their families.
When I was a kid attending Catholic school, it was called Christmas Shop, and I looked forward to it every year. To be honest with you, I don't remember any of the items I purchased for my family members but I remember one year when something very special happened. One of my classmates, a boy who I had had a crush on, bought me a necklace from the jewelry section. Getting that gift caused a variety of emotions in my pre-teen self. I was embarrassed by the attention, afraid of what my dad would say and thrilled that a boy got me a present for Christmas.
Who knew that necklace from years ago, would be the forerunner for many do-dads and trinkets I would receive while my kids were in elementary school. Christmas 2022 would mark the final holiday I would be receiving something from this unique December marketplace. My youngest will be going to the junior high school next year and will graduate to Walmart or Target shopping.
The Snowflake Shop has had a good run, but these past two years it has become more difficult for our little guy to find things for his older siblings. Many of the gift selections are geared toward smaller kids. A few years ago, it was funny to buy cute cat toys and gift them to his brother and sister but that joke has run its course. There was even the squealing yellow pig that made the worst oinking noise when you squeezed it. I eventually had to hide it to maintain my sanity.
Last year, I received a mug coaster that is pink and says Mom's Mug. I use it at work every day. I still have jewelry from my older kids that I wear from time to time. My oldest son bought me a bright orange earring/ chunky bracelet combo that I love because that is his favorite color. I had a heart key chain, my daughter bought me, that I had on my keys for years which just recently broke. One of my kids bought me a large "diamond" ring which I only wear on super special occasions. My husband has a variety of Steelers merchandise including an ice scraper and a pair of gloves.
Recently, the Parent Teacher Organization, which sponsors the Snowflake Shop, has upped their game with the selection of items available to buy. I never gave my kids money to shop for themselves but obviously things change with the youngest child. A few weeks ago, he purchased a nice Steelers tossle cap that he wears all the time. When he can buy something for himself he can actually use, I'm ok with that.
Along with the tossle cap, he also purchased gifts for my husband and I. At the age of 11, he was still so excited to be the first to put wrapped presents under the tree. He was so sweet about it and leading up to Christmas Eve he kept saying, "I can't believe my presents are the only ones here waiting to be opened."
Once he was done tearing though his gifts Christmas morning, he handed my husband and I our special gifts. He watched as we opened them, beaming with pride for his practical purchases - warm gloves for him, and cozy, dog slipper socks for her. It means so much that he picked these items out himself and it makes me happy they weren't just gifts for the sake of giving a gift. They have a purpose.
I didn't realize it until the next day that those would be our last holiday shop gifts. It makes me a little sad and nostalgic for the Christmases when my kids were little and the magic that goes along with the Santa years.
But while I won't be getting dog socks or orange jewelry anymore, I did received some pretty thoughtful gifts from my older kids this year. My oldest got me a DVD of a movie based on one of our favorite books I read to him when he was little and my stylish daughter picked out a sweater and blouse to help update my wardrobe. I was touched by their gifts and it made me realize getting gifts from adult kids is kind of nice. Almost extravagant if you will.
In the meantime, I might dust off that diamond ring I got years ago. I think today is a special occasion.
*This blog was published in The Valley Mirror Newspaper on December 29, 2022 in the On My Mind column. The Valley Mirror covers the Woodland Hills and Steel Valley communities.
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