Sunday, December 12, 2021

A Conversation Starter


Here name is Michelle. 

Just like the Beatles song. A fun fact she pointed out during our conversation. 

I had been walking through the men’s department of a nearby store looking for items my son needed for an upcoming trip when she caught me off guard. 

“Have you been to Scotland?” she asked. 

I had to pause for a minute because I thought, “What a random question for two people who had never spoken before.” She was on the clock and had been busy tidying up clothes that were messily put back on a display table. I guess she looked up for a moment and that’s when she noticed my shirt which said - Scotland's for me.

This shirt is from an indie/rock band I listen to who are based in that area of the United Kingdom. I spent $50 on this shirt, a lot of money for a person who never buys clothes for herself.  Due to overseas shipping, the price was more than I would normally justify for a handful of cotton, with a cute rainbow and travel slogan, but I had wanted this shirt for years.

“No,” I said. “But I am planning on going someday.”

That’s when I noticed the twinkle in her eyes.

“I’ve been there,” she recalled with an excitement which managed to escape from her mask-covered face. 

I was in a hurry and still had a list worth of stuff to get but I couldn’t help but get caught up in Michelle’s magical mystery tour. As a reporter, I had lots of questions. When did you go? What did you see? Did you go to all the Beatles landmarks? I just started asking away. 

Her trip involved three of the UK countries - England, Scotland and Wales. If memory serves me correctly, her trip was back in the early 80s. Her mission: to buy as much vinyl as possible. I got excited thinking about the popular new wave music at that time and the treasure trove she probably collected while walking the streets of London. 

I tried to imagine a younger Michelle. I wondered what she wore and who she travelled with. Was she old enough to hit a pub? Did she catch anyone’s eye while checking out Buckingham Palace. Did she bring home a souvenir red phone booth?

The part of the story she remembers most vividly is when the airline lost her luggage on her way home. She retold the tale of calling her father from the airport to let him know. He anxiously asked her, “What about the records?”

“I had packed them in my carry-on,” she told me as a hidden smile crept across her face. Even back then, she wasn’t taking the chance her precious cargo would get lost. The satisfaction of knowing they were safe and sound filled me with happiness as well. The mission of her trip was accomplished.

Every time I wear my Scotland shirt now, I think of Michelle. I had noticed her in the store prior to our conversation and never would have thought she had such an interesting story to tell. I think that is the case for many people we come in contact with in our day-to-day activities. I fall into the trap of writing people off, judging a book by its cover. 

I have seen Michelle a few times since our meeting and I’m not really sure what to do. Part of me wants to find out if she has any more interesting stories to share. Part of me wonders if she remembers me and our conversation. Another part of me just wants to get my errands done and be on my way. 

The other day I was out at a restaurant having breakfast with my family. I noticed Michelle come in and get seated at a booth. I wanted to go over and say hello but I thought that might be awkward. 

“Hi there. Remember me? Miss Scotland?”

So instead, I excused myself from our table and secretly got her bill from the waitress. The least I could do was offer some subliminal hospitality from one anglophile to another. 

I am sure our paths will cross again, and hopefully when they do, I’ll be wearing my Scotland tee shirt to get the ball rolling. Who knows if either of us will go out of our way to jump start a conversation. That part of the story remains to be written. Will she tell me the same story again? Will she tell me about other interesting travels she has had? 

But one fact unites us in solidarity. 

Scotland is for us.

*My blog is featured in The Valley Mirror Newspaper each week in a column called On My Mind. The Valley Mirror serves the Woodland Hills and Steel Valley communities.

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