Thursday, November 12, 2020

And Another One Gone

I'll meet you at the Kangaroo!

If you grew up in western Pennsylvania, you know exactly what I am talking about - the Kennywood ride, sandwiched between the Jack Rabbit and the Merry-go-Round, guarded by the nearby statue of George Washington.

The ride was perfect fun for people of all ages. It was basically one step up from a Kiddieland ride, a simple round track, but the steep hill and subsequent drop, took it to the next level. Plus, there was strategy involved. It was a good move to make sure you got in the car first to ensure you would be the squisher and not the squishy when gravity pushed bodies together.

My first memory of this ride goes back to grade school. I remember being in the car with my friends and we decided to yell out words we knew in different languages when we went off of the drop. Bonjour! Hola! Wienerschnitzel! There was laughter - lots of laughter and smiles plastered to our faces from the contagious giggles.

It was a pleasure, years later, to be able to share this ride with my children - a new generation of riders. This ride was critical for us because my kids do not like roller coasters. Rides like the Kangaroo, Auto Race and Noah’s Ark, plus of course an order of Potato Patch fries, helped them have the Kennywood experience without going upside down or out of their comfort zone to have fun.

The announcement that four classic rides: Kangaroo, Paratrooper, Bayern Kurve and Volcano, the ride formally known as the Enterprise, were getting the ax at “our” park was hard to take. The hits just keep coming in 2020. The rides disappearing are forever changing the landscape of a place that us “Yinzers” consider a second home. School picnics, Fall Fantasy parades, first dates - Kennywood has been a familiar environment that always channels your inner child no matter how old you are.

The list of casualties keeps growing and includes beloved gems like The Turnpike, Log Jammer, and Gold Rusher. I’m sure you are like me - you have crystal clear memories of these rides and the people who helped make them special.

I remember during the summer of ‘85 meeting my brother at the Bayern Kurve when “Something About You” by Level 42 would come on the PA system. I loved when the cars got up to maximum speed and the loud horn would go off. 

I remember being on a date, as a teenager, and being persuaded to ride the Enterprise for the first time - at night!  I really thought I would get sick but interestingly enough, sitting so close together, it didn’t feel like we were going upside down at all. It was the perfect way to cap off a day of fun at the park.

Things change. I get that. I accept that. But we didn’t even have a chance to say goodbye. Three years ago, when park officials announced the Log Jammer was going away, riders only had a weekend to pay their respects. Ride malfunctions and long lines prevented many people from getting their last ride experience.  Yinzers are a sentimental bunch. We are fiercely loyal to a fault. Disappointment does not go over well.

This latest announcement came after the 2020 season ended, a season different from any other with a delayed opening, due to covid-19, and restrictions that changed the way riders could experience the park. The aforementioned rides have already been removed from the Kennywood website.

I think after this year we have become numb to bad news. I can’t even put a positive spin on this - other than to be thankful for the amazing memories I have logged over the years. Kennywood has played such a pivotal role in my life and has made western PA a wonderful place to grow up.

I hope this latest round of cuts helps ensure the longevity of “our” park by providing space for the next best thrill rides. Maybe in years to come, fortysomethings like me, will look back nostalgically on rides like the Steel Curtain or Cranky’s Drop Tower.

But until then, we can still meet at the Potato Patch. We can drown our grief in a large order of cheesy fries. Who’s with me?

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