I don't even know where to start this one.
Life as we know it has grinded to a halt. Are you on edge? Are you grasping for "normal"?
You are not alone.
I'm afraid to write anything because things have been changing so quickly, day to day, that by the time you read this, another news flash might have come our way.
So, let's talk about what we can do right now. Go to the grocery store and stay at home. How is your toilet paper situation? I am embarrassed to admit that I had to break down and buy the generic toilet paper. I told my family we would alternate between the good rolls and the bad. A friend of mine also pointed out - we still have showers. Worse comes to worse we can hose off when we are done. Yes, that is an option.
Another friend posted a meme on Facebook "I hadn't planned on giving up this much for Lent." I laughed out loud at this one. With restaurants, bars and everything else closed, the situation seems pretty bleak. I have been doing my three usual "give ups" this Lent but I have been tempted for sure this go round. I never would have given up chocolate if I knew I'd be shacked up with my husband and kids indefinitely.
When everything seems to be falling apart around you comfort is what you need. So, for the things I haven't parted ways with for 40 days, I've become pretty chummy especially with my best friends cheese, cheese, and cheese. I ate a block of Aldi Havarti in two days. No regrets. I better slow down because the supply might not be able to meet my demand. I'll have to settle for chugging melted Velveeta. You know that won't be disappearing from the shelves.
Then there is the fact that my gym is closed. I made it on Monday for the final workout before they locked their doors at 9 a.m. One employee told me they would be posting online workouts people can take advantage of but seriously who are they kidding?
I am not going to be watching those or even trying to be fit right now. The last thing my kids need to see is me doing the worst Jane Fonda impression ever in our living room. My new workout includes flexing my calf muscles by pressing the gas pedal to drive around to find toilet paper and also strengthening my core by taking deep breaths in an effort to deal with the stress of the liquor stores being closed.
I am rationing the stash of wine I bought earlier this week. But I do see there are creative alternatives popping up including local wineries making home deliveries and a wine bar selling bottles of wine in a 4 pack. Yes, we have options folks.
Currently, I am living in a house with varying levels of corona-itis. I have a high school senior whose life has been put on hold. So many activities have been cancelled or postponed. This was supposed to be an exciting time to cap off the finale of 12 years and lately it has been filled with uncertainty, detachment and sadness.
I also have a high school freshman who had been waiting since elementary school to be a part of the high school musical. Finally, her time had come. She auditioned and managed to get cast in not one but two parts. She had been living her best life - working hard, rehearsing multiple nights a week - awaiting the April 2nd debut.
All this came to a grinding halt last Friday when all after school activities were cancelled until further notice. This teen doesn't understand the enormity of the crisis at hand. All she knows is her world and how it has drastically changed. I am hoping, in the words of little orphan Annie - the sun will come out tomorrow and the show will go on at a different date.
Then there is my little guy. He doesn't mind not going to school. He loves being able to play his video games and the extra time cuddling with mom and dad. Due to the power of the internet, we have been able to take advantage of meeting animals at the Cincinnati Zoo during a Facebook live event they are now doing each afternoon. He has been doodling with famous children's author, Mo Willems, who is having a similar live event each day and we have also enjoyed stories read by Josh Gad, the voice of Olaf from the movie Frozen, who has been posting videos since the weekend.
It is nice how so many people are trying to do their part to make things a little better especially for kids right now. This is a weird time because there is not one person who is not affected by this global pandemic. I am sure each one of you has a story of how this virus has impacted your life. So many people are out of work, so many people are in isolation, and many people are missing how their lives were just a few days ago.
So my parting words for you this week - we are in this together. I hope these drastic tactics work and we all stay healthy and that sooner than later I will be writing about life returning back to normal. Hang in there!
P.S. Please feel free to share some of the creative ways you have been spending the extra time at home.
P.S. Please feel free to share some of the creative ways you have been spending the extra time at home.
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