Thursday, January 23, 2020

Royal Exit

Could you do it?

Could you walk away from everything you've ever known - all in the name of love?

That is what Prince Harry the Duke of Sussex is apparently doing. Giving up life as an active member of the royal family to live a more common life.

You may not care about this story and that is ok. I have mentioned before, my fascination with the British royal family began with the wedding of Harry's parents Prince Charles and Lady Diana back in 1981. I was almost 7 years old - an age perfect for a good princess story. Keep in mind, back then there was no Elsa and Anna, no Belle or Jasmine no Ariel or Rapunzel. I partially blame a lack of Disney princess variety in the early 80s on my royal attachment.

But watching that royal wedding on television, at such an early age, made an impression on me. The beautiful cream colored dress, the handsome prince, the kiss on the hand - it seemed like a dream worth admiring. A dream that wasn't a cartoon. Of course when you are 7, nothing is what it appears to be and, looking back on it now, there were subtle signs that things were not going to turn out happily ever after. But no one imagined the tragic turn it would take.

Sixteen years later, there I was again glued to the television. This time watching the coverage of the horrible car crash in a Paris tunnel. The princess was gone. It was hard to wrap my head around how what started as a fairy tale could end so badly. As hard as it was for common folk across the pond to fathom, it was the image of two young boys walking behind their mother's casket that united everyone in their grief. Grief that was instigated by the paparazzi and their desire to get the next hot photo.

Now fast forward 23 years. Both Diana's sons are married and have children of their own. The oldest, William, is on track to one day be king of England and his wife is the textbook would-be queen - all the things expected of a princess, upper-middle class upbringing, family ties to British aristocracy, content to work and promote a variety of charities.

On the flip side, you have the youngest son, Harry, who has been bumped so far down the line of succession, by his nephews and niece, that it is unlikely he will ever be king. He has a wife that is not your typical royal - former American actress, divorced, of mixed heritage with divorced parents.

Both women, Kate and Meghan, have had run-ins with the media. Lawsuits have been filed against British tabloids for publication of intimate photographs and invasions of privacy. Although both sons are on high alert and are very protective and pro-active about living with this constant media intrusion, considering the high price they have already paid, Harry is in more of a position to do something about it. He and his wife have only been married almost two years and it appears that now, with a young son in the mix, he has had enough. He is ready to make a break from the royal life he has always known and give his family a chance of something more common, something more safe.

It is hard for everyday people, like you and I, to think giving up millions of dollars, giving up servants, and giving up mansions is a good choice. But the things that come along with it, for members of the royal family, seeing nasty or private things printed about your family, being secretly followed when on vacation by unscrupulous photographers, it doesn't seem like the kind of fairy tale anyone would choose.

Just this week, negative comments flooded social media surrounding a photo of Meghan out with baby Archie. The poor kiddo looked uncomfortable in the baby carrier his mom was wearing and lots of people shared their criticism. The poor girl cannot get a break. I would not have wanted to be photographed when I was learning the ropes with my little ones. Especially the time I had to nurse a baby on the beach and the cover up blew off, or the time my husband fell while carrying our baby as he was running to the car in the rain or the time my kid threw a tantrum in the grocery store because the lady at the deli counter did not offer him a piece of cheese.

Being a new parent is hard and hopefully this young couple will have greater freedom to be themselves and make mistakes, that don't light up social media, when they officially step back from royal life and spend more time in Canada.

I know this royal stuff isn't something everyone cares about but rooting for a young family is something anyone can get behind - no matter what the backstory is. So here's to Harry, Meghan and Archie. May they experience all the simple joys of being a family, without all the fanfare/baggage of being a royal. Harry didn't choose to be a prince but he did choose to be a husband and father. I don't know about you, but I like where this fairy tale is headed.

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