Thursday, September 12, 2019

Is Accident Forgiveness Really A Thing?

Sometimes in life you are moving along minding your own business when CRASH suddenly things become very still.

That happened to me last week when I was involved in a car accident. And here is the kicker, the accident was my fault. I was driving alone and about to merge onto Route 30 in North Versailles. The car in front of me had started moving and I looked back to see if it was clear for me to go. I started to accelerate and then....BOOM! The moment of impact.

It was startling to say the least. I didn't know what had happened at first but I did know one thing - I was responsible. I got out of the car, totally oblivious to my surroundings, and any vehicles behind me, and attempted to ask the other driver if she was ok. She seemed just as shocked as I was. As I remember, she was stopped and then started to inch forward. I had just begun to tap lightly on my break when my bumper made contact with her bumper.

Luckily, she was fine. Both cars seemed fine and I was able to give her my contact information before driving away.

As I drove off I asked myself, "How did this happen?"

 I kept replaying the moment of impact in my head wondering how I was so oblivious to actually crash into another vehicle. I remember the moments prior listening to a news story about why hurricanes are stronger now than decades ago. Yeah, I am into weather but I am not sure that distracted me enough to cause an accident.

"I need to slow down," I thought. Literally.

I was embarrassed and upset but honestly I felt like nothing would come of this minor accident. Heck, I didn't even bother to tell my husband that is how minor it was. I mean there was no visible damage to either car.

But less than 24 hours later, guess what happened? I got a text on my phone from an insurance company - with a claim number. At first I thought it was a spam text and then the light bulb went off. "Oh," I shook my head in disbelief. Now I kind of regretted not telling my better half. But now I also knew I would have to.

I wasn't worried about how he would react. He is a pretty easy going guy and in the event there is some damage, it's not going to be significant. I just didn't want to admit I made a mistake. It is hard to admit when we are at fault even if it is to someone who knows better than anyone how imperfect we are.

My husband handled the news well and I assured him, using the words my insurance guy told me, this is pretty routine stuff. People file a claim and get the ball rolling so if there is damage the repairs can be done right away.

But now I not only regret the accident, I regret how I handled it. I should have taken photos of the non damage. I should have called the police or at least filed a report. Even though I have shared my side of the story with the claims adjuster it is going to be my word against the other driver's and it appears I could be on the hook for any anomaly that is detected on her bumper.

So now I wait.

But I also overthink.

It has been a bumpy ride for my family lately. Just the day prior to my accident, my son and his friend were involved in a crash. My son and his friend were crawling along in traffic on the Parkway East (he was the passenger) when the motorist in front of them stopped suddenly. My son's friend had no choice but to hit the person. Luckily, no one was hurt and there was only minor damage but the text I received was a little unnerving, "Hey, can you come and get me?"

My son was with me when I received a call from the insurance agent, the first time, so I had to come clean. He acted like it was a badge of unity. He high-fived me and said 'accident buddies'. I chuckled a little then I tried to explain this was the first time I was involved in an accident that was my fault.

 I have been pretty fortunate over the years and I attribute my driving skills to the great instruction I received from my parents. (I had to say it.) But also due to my years working as a photographer/reporter at a television station. Being the driver while heading to news/breaking events, I learned what to do and what not to do.

The car trips after my recent accident have been calculated journeys. I make thoughtful turns. I back out of my driveway slower than I did before. I try to stay in the moment with each tap of the gas and each press of the break and not let my mind carry me to all the places I can go. My accident may have been a result of me being in a rush so now it is time to slow down. The alternative is just not worth it.

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