Thursday, July 25, 2019

It's A Twister!

I did something last week I almost never do.

I bought something I did not need. I bought something just for the fun of it. Just for the thrill of it. 

I made an impulse buy!

Let's back up by stating when it comes to shopping for myself - I don't. I am not sure the explanation for this because at one time I loved to shop. 

Back in my teen years, early twenties, I loved taking my babysitting/paper route money to Century III Mall, blowing it on a new vest from Deb, earrings from Claire's, a new cassette tape from National Record Mart and a hot fudge sundae from Dairy Queen. 

I even put a new winter coat on layaway one year at Kmart - the one that recently closed in North Versailles. It took me a few months to pay off that baby but I could not have been prouder to wear the turquoise/black coat with shoulder pads, matching scarf - topped off with my black Debbie Gibson hat. 

Although I made frequent purchases, I rarely bought anything that was not on sale. I inherited my mom's frugal nature and it pained me to pay full price. I was raised with flea market and thrift store shoppin' skills so I learned early on just how far a dollar should go. 

I think I got away from self shopping because I have others to shop for. Three kids and one large kid (husband) equals little time for personal buys. Every now and then I'll get a pair of jeans, like I did a few months ago through Amazon or the beach wardrobe I bought at the American Thrift Center in West Mifflin. Four pair of shorts, including Under Armour and Adidas, and two tank tops $11.00.

 Yes, sir! The price was right that day. It would have been cheaper if I had swallowed my pride and accepted the senior discount the cashier tried to give me. LOL!

Anyway...the other day I went to the local vacuum store to buy the special bags I need for my machine. As I was paying for them, I caught sight of a oval shaped appliance on the counter that was filled with water and made a swishing sound. 

As I looked at it closely, I noticed what looked like a mini tornado (plastic funnel) in the center. I said to the man ringing up my purchase, "What it that?" He said it was an air purifier called a Twister. It takes air in, cleans it and then sends it back out. You could add a fragrance too, if you'd like. 

I said, "Wow! I think I need one of these." Now keep in mind, I'm almost two months into summer vacation. Kids are everywhere. Mess is everywhere. Life is in total chaos. I haven't been alone in my house since May 29th. The calming sound of swishing water around a tornado? Heck, it's a metaphor for my life. The salesman went on to say, "Yeah, and they are actually on sale right now."

The price was reasonable in terms of my standards. Under $40? I'm worth it. Besides, my birthday is coming up. But then I found out there were only three left. THREE LEFT!!

I was in a hurry that day and had to go but the thoughts of my own personal air purifying tornado stuck with me throughout the day. Plus, with my weather fascination, this little machine had my name written all over it. But I had to wrap my head around this unnecessary purchase that for some reason seemed so necessary. 

The very next day, I dragged my husband to the vacuum store and what do you know? There were now only TWO LEFT!!! I quickly snatched a box from the shelf, put it on the counter and I said, "I'll take it!" You would have thought I was holding a box of gold the way I pranced out of the store singing 'Happy Birthday' to me. 

Later that day, my daughter offered to set it up for me by filling it with water and plugging it in. The LED light display gently illuminated our own personal twister in our dining room and the swooshing sound created a false sense of calm. The kids ooohed and awwed as they were hypnotized by the colors and moving water.

I've since moved it into my bedroom and have been able to sleep with it on at night. I don't know if the air is cleaner, I didn't buy it for that, but it is calming to watch and hear. I'm sure there will come a day when the allure of my little Twister will wear off but for right now there is no place like home!

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