Thursday, January 4, 2018

You Say You Wanna A Resolution

Resolutions smezalutions. I did not make any resolutions this year. I normally do, but within a few weeks I always give up. Last year I started a happiness journal. By day 5, I was done. Either I had a year's worth of happiness in 5 days or I got lazy. What do you think?

So this year I am weighing my options. I do get invigorated with the start of a new year and wanting to make positive changes but sometimes it is overwhelming because I set out to change everything. I wanna get organized, eat better, be happy, enjoy life, pet a zebra, take it slower, visit a foreign land...see what I mean? A monumental set up to fail. Big time.

A friend of mine does a resolution a day - one thing each day that she works on. I kind of like that idea. Manageable and practical - plus you get to work on many things throughout the year instead of just one. Maybe I can find a few good ones that I can rotate throughout the months? Put more emphasis on chocolate, revisit naptime, make wine a priority today - good start, right?

Last year, my cousin made an accountability chart for his fitness regimen.  He completed 200 workouts in 2017. He was able to post his completed sheet a few days before New Year's Eve. I think that is a nice idea. Have something tangible so you see your progress and then reflect on your accomplishments at the end of the year. Whatever I choose, I need motivation, so having something to measure my progress would be helpful.

Facebook has been awash with motivational phrases since 2018 rolled in...

Every year is a new beginning.

You don't need a new year to make changes - you only need a day.

Everything is better with hot tea!

That last one is in honor of Mariah Carey who on New Year's Eve only wanted a cup of tea while performing half naked in subzero temps in Times Square.  (Ok, she wasn't really half naked, but some parts were more visible than others.)   I don't want to be cliche but I think girlfriend is onto something. We should adopt the English way in 2018 and have tea time each day whether it's cold or not and whether we have to sing or not. Although when you have tea you have to have scones and a scone each day will make that girlish figure go astray, especially if you are using the traditional clotted cream.

I do want to improve my life so maybe I can start simple. I would like to make the things I have to do each day a little better. Like when I get up in the morning, having a Keurig by my bed so I can enjoy my coffee first thing before escaping the sheets. Especially on these cold mornings, a hot Cup of Joe on my nightstand would be a decadent pleasure for sure. I can imagine I am waking up in a royal palace like Queen Elizabeth, but 50 years younger, with kitchen staff waiting to meet my every whim. Geez, I need to stop watching The Crown on Netflix.

When I have to take my son to school, I would like to listen to something fun (not news) on the drive that gets us moving and feeling good.  I am thinking his new Aquabats ( a rock band geared toward kids) CD will be perfect to kick this resolution off. With song titles like "Worms Make Dirt" and  "I Fell Asleep on My Arm" - we are bound to let out a few chuckles while barreling down Route 30 trying not to hit every traffic light.

In rooms of my house, like the kitchen and laundry room, where I spend a great deal of time doing thankless tasks, I need to infuse some sort of beauty to enjoy while I carry out particular chores. I think I will hang some art, like a Campbell's Soup can, by the washer and dryer or even make something creative with the lint from the trap or empty dryer sheet boxes that can boost the aesthetics of the space.  Filling the room with ambiance will boost my mood when I find pieces of kids' clothing that were thrown in the hamper, that I know are clean, but were never hung up from a previous wash.

And finally, when I check off a block of boxes on my 'Make the Little Things I Do Each Day A  Little Better' accountablitiy chart, I need to have a reward like - celebrate your birthday even though its not and eat some cake. I already know the kind I want and where to get it. Resolution motivation secure - 2018 is going to be so sweet.

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