Thursday, October 5, 2017

You Saved How Much?

There is just something about a man dressed in a suit -or even just a sport coat and slacks. (Do people still even use that word...slacks? ) My husband does not have the opportunity or need to get dressed up very often which means a limited wardrobe in this department. So this past weekend meant - shopping spree!

I usually go online and shop that way but there was not enough time. We had a wedding to go to and even though we knew about it for awhile,  the opportunity for both of us to go out and find an outfit never happened. I, luckily have an arsenal of dresses to fall back on but my man needed an updated ensemble.

I remember the very first time my husband and I went clothes shopping decades ago. We were only boyfriend and girlfriend at the time, and we went to Montgomery Ward at Greengate Mall to rack up the charges on his credit card. It was a painful experience. He couldn't make up his mind and it took forever. Funny part about it - we were also heading to a wedding and he needed a dress shirt. We got a few other things too, but it ended up being a long day.

Online shopping makes things so easy now, which makes actually going to a store even less enjoyable for me. go to a store that is having one of their bi-annual biggest sales ever. No coupons needed. Just me, a list with sizes and of course, my carde de credit. That's French for plastic money. Luckily, my sister joined me to occupy my youngest who was under the weather.

Almost everything in the store was on sale! (20, 30, 40% off. ) I only paid full price for one item and I decided to suck it up since my first thought was - I could find this somewhere else for less for sure. But the time I saved was worth the price I paid. I got pants. I got shoes. I got a belt and a shirt. I wasn't keeping a running total in my head, but I knew I had saved a nice chunk of money. Plus, I had a gift card. Win-Win!

I know it sounds a little old fashioned but I was proud to be out shopping for my husband. Yes, I would be lying if I said I didn't want to be spending the time getting a little somethin' somethin' for this ol' gal but hey, I knew I would benefit from the eye candy that would be coming my way. I don't get to see the Matthew McConaughey Lincoln Continental side of my husband that often so I was all in.

Upon check out, I found out I saved $104.10! Can you believe it? I felt like I just won the penny slot machine at Rivers Casino. Then I discovered I had earned future bucks for my next shopping experience. My circuits were overwhelmed. I forgot to use my gift card and only realized it after the purchase was complete. I became "that lady" and asked if the cashier could apply it anyway, which meant voiding my purchase and starting over. Yeah, I know she was irritated and I know the people in line were irritated, but I wasn't letting my simple gaffe ruin the satisfaction of savings. I let the ice cold stares bounce right off my warm heart of cha-ching.

So, fairy tale ending - everything fit and looked perfect. He even liked the newfangled belt with the flat front instead of the buckle. The shoes were good too, even though I went with a wide width instead of regular. Then I told him about the savings and the gleam in his eye said it all - this gal got it going on.

It has been almost 20 years since our first shopping experience and we are about to celebrate 18 years since the dressiest day in our lives. I am still happy to be 'cleaning up nice' with this guy after all this time. Here's to more fancy occasions and opportunities to make him look good.

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