Thursday, October 19, 2017

Slow Down Girl!

Have you ever had the scary experience of losing your wallet? You know that moment of sheer terror when you realize someone could be enjoying an all expenses trip to Chick fil- A on you? Someone could be buying that iPhone you've been eyeing up and would buy if you didn't have a mortgage, car payment or kids.

Well, I had that moment over the weekend. I had been shopping at one of those club stores with my youngest. I borrowed my mom's membership card so I could get a few things for our upcoming church social. The trip was a little disappointing from the beginning. I got what I needed no problem, but the offerings in the free sample department were lacking. There were only a handful of stations (a considerable decrease from the last time I was there) and really nothing new I wanted to try. Airplane cookies and a Teriyaki meatball weren't doin' it for me last Saturday.

We walked through the toy section and got a jump start on a Christmas list before going through the checkout. I was holding my wallet (which has a wrist strap) and had my membership card out as per protocol. Unfortunately, I did not bring a purse and my pants did not have pockets. This means I was also holding my keys and my phone and I was about to be holding my receipt so I could pass through the smiley face checkpoint. (You know the guy that stands near the door to make sure the items in your buggy match the items on your receipt and then draws a smiley face on your paper?)

Walking through the parking lot I was still holding the receipt. I knew I had to keep it separate since I needed it for the church secretary. I put it behind the sun visor in the van and proceeded to unload my cart. While unloading, my mind was racing with all the things I had to do next, so let's just say concentration was not my strong suit at that moment. I put the buggy back and we were on our way. Half way down the road I started looking around the passenger seat for my wallet. Middle console - also no wallet. I pulled over and did a complete van check - no wallet. I knew I had to go back to the store.

For some reason I remained relatively calm. I was trying to convince myself that this wasn't really happening and if it was really happening there was going to be a happy ending. I think I even may have offered this little prayer, "Please God fix this." For goodness sake, I had just bought a book of stamps so if for nothing else, I wanted my Disney villains back.

I first searched all the buggy drop offs. My mind was so scattered that I couldn't even remember where I had parked my van just ten minutes ago. Luckily, an employee, who was about to gather up the carts and take them inside, offered his assistance. He said this was the first time that day he was outside, so no carts had been returned to the store yet. When my wallet wasn't found outside he advised me to go inside. He said, "Maybe someone turned it in."

As I walked into the store my cell phone rang. It was my dad. "Where are you?" he said, "They have your wallet." An employee had called my family since the membership card with my mom's name on it was in the front pocket. Someone had in fact turned my wallet in. My dad told me to calm down, but I felt like I already had a good handle on that.

I went inside to retrieve my wallet and was very appreciative of the service I received. Everyone was so nice and happy for me to be getting my item back. I checked inside and everything, including my credit cards, stamps and lucky buck were still in place. Some good Samaritan took the time to take my wallet into the store so it could be safely retrieved. I don't know if I left it in my cart or dropped it on the ground but whatever happened - a kind, anonymous soul truly saved the day. He/she didn't know me or my circumstances but took the time to make a difference and for that I am humbled.

So you may be asking, why didn't I have a purse that day? First of all, I am not really a purse person. If you see me with a purse it is probably one my mom bought for me. Her philosophy - a woman never leaves a house without lipstick or a purse. I almost never follow that philosophy so I am a disgrace to the ladies of a more elegant generation. I once had a lovely purse, back when I was in high school. It was grey and was made out of tapestry fabric. It held my Hershey Kiss lip gloss and a small beaded bag for loose change. When someone took my purse one fateful day, I swore off purses for life. Nothing could ever replace that beautiful bag and I set myself up for a lifetime of lost keys and Chapstick tubes.

While the purse story did not have a happy ending, the wallet story did. This event was a red flag that I need to slow down a little and always carry a purse. Maybe a Coach bag is just what I need to get my life on track? Is there a script for that?

Rare photo of me carrying a purse


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Thanks, Jimmy...

I was sad to hear of the passing of Jimmy Beaumont over the weekend. If the name does not ring a bell to the under 40 crowd, I understand. He fronted a band which had their biggest hit in 1959. But along with his Skyliners, they provided the soundtrack for my childhood and important moments that I will forever treasure.

Growing up in the 70's, our house was always filled with music.  At a young age, my palate was wet with the sounds of my parents' favorites, Johnny Mathis, Tom Jones, Engelbert Humperdinck...Yeah, those were good times, pussycat. As we got older, my brother and I would roll our eyes and moan when those 8 tracks would go in the car before a road trip, but I think my exposure to the ''oldies" fostered my love for The Beatles, which exists to this day.

My dad has a good friend who was a DJ. He would create specialty 8 track tapes just for my dad with songs he liked. There was a Skyliners tape which got so much play I cannot believe it didn't wear out. This was the tape we would listen to when my dad and I would dance together in our living room. "Since I Don't Have You", "This I Swear" and  "Where Have They Gone" were good slow numbers for daddy/daughter dances. Of course, "Pennies From Heaven" was a favorite of my brother and I, who could sing along to the catchy tune...'every time it rains it rains - pennies from heaven. Don't you know each cloud contains - pennies from heaven.'

At the time I did not know Jimmy was local.  It was quite a surprise to find out later that he lived about 5 minutes from our house! One day while playing with my best friend across the street I met one of her school pals who was Jimmy's daughter. I was star struck! I could not believe I was talking to someone who was related to one of the biggest names in our house, besides Terry Bradshaw and Sylvester Stallone.

Upon reading stories since his death, I have learned a few things about this beloved crooner. When Jimmy and his band were invited to perform with Dick Clark's  Caravan of Stars, a New York audience was surprised that this band, with a doo-wop sound, was a white band. (They were the only white group to ever top the Cashbox R&B chart.)  Also, Jimmy was only 18 when he wrote the music for "Since I Don't Have You", which is the song I chose for my father/daughter dance at my wedding. The lyrics were penned by a friend, who would later become the band's manager, dealing with his girlfriend's decision to go to school out of state.

Although my taste in music veered a little off the oldies path, now that I am older, I love hearing those old songs now. I love the memories that come rushing back of a little girl in her frilly nightgown and slippers dancing  around the living room to Jimmy's high falsetto voice, which predated Frankie Valli, the Bee Gees and, in more modern times, Joey McIntyre from New Kids on the Block.

My father said Jimmy had been sick for a while, but according to Internet reports, he was still performing as recently as last month. He died in his sleep in his home in McKeesport. I am sad that I never got to tell Jimmy how much his music meant to me over the years.

 People who have been made famous through their music seem to have that unreliable sense of immortality that continues to fail us. But one comforting element, for those who have come to appreciate the musicianship of these artists, we are only a click away from pulling up one of their hits thanks to the wonder of technology. Hearing their voice, loud and clear, making it seem like they never left us.

I wish I could pop in my dad's 8 track tape and hear a Skyliners' hit the way we used to, but for now, I'm off to search YouTube.   If it rains today and I find something shiny on the ground, I'll know who is responsible.

KB and Dad dancing to "Since I Don't Have You"

Thursday, October 5, 2017

You Saved How Much?

There is just something about a man dressed in a suit -or even just a sport coat and slacks. (Do people still even use that word...slacks? ) My husband does not have the opportunity or need to get dressed up very often which means a limited wardrobe in this department. So this past weekend meant - shopping spree!

I usually go online and shop that way but there was not enough time. We had a wedding to go to and even though we knew about it for awhile,  the opportunity for both of us to go out and find an outfit never happened. I, luckily have an arsenal of dresses to fall back on but my man needed an updated ensemble.

I remember the very first time my husband and I went clothes shopping decades ago. We were only boyfriend and girlfriend at the time, and we went to Montgomery Ward at Greengate Mall to rack up the charges on his credit card. It was a painful experience. He couldn't make up his mind and it took forever. Funny part about it - we were also heading to a wedding and he needed a dress shirt. We got a few other things too, but it ended up being a long day.

Online shopping makes things so easy now, which makes actually going to a store even less enjoyable for me. go to a store that is having one of their bi-annual biggest sales ever. No coupons needed. Just me, a list with sizes and of course, my carde de credit. That's French for plastic money. Luckily, my sister joined me to occupy my youngest who was under the weather.

Almost everything in the store was on sale! (20, 30, 40% off. ) I only paid full price for one item and I decided to suck it up since my first thought was - I could find this somewhere else for less for sure. But the time I saved was worth the price I paid. I got pants. I got shoes. I got a belt and a shirt. I wasn't keeping a running total in my head, but I knew I had saved a nice chunk of money. Plus, I had a gift card. Win-Win!

I know it sounds a little old fashioned but I was proud to be out shopping for my husband. Yes, I would be lying if I said I didn't want to be spending the time getting a little somethin' somethin' for this ol' gal but hey, I knew I would benefit from the eye candy that would be coming my way. I don't get to see the Matthew McConaughey Lincoln Continental side of my husband that often so I was all in.

Upon check out, I found out I saved $104.10! Can you believe it? I felt like I just won the penny slot machine at Rivers Casino. Then I discovered I had earned future bucks for my next shopping experience. My circuits were overwhelmed. I forgot to use my gift card and only realized it after the purchase was complete. I became "that lady" and asked if the cashier could apply it anyway, which meant voiding my purchase and starting over. Yeah, I know she was irritated and I know the people in line were irritated, but I wasn't letting my simple gaffe ruin the satisfaction of savings. I let the ice cold stares bounce right off my warm heart of cha-ching.

So, fairy tale ending - everything fit and looked perfect. He even liked the newfangled belt with the flat front instead of the buckle. The shoes were good too, even though I went with a wide width instead of regular. Then I told him about the savings and the gleam in his eye said it all - this gal got it going on.

It has been almost 20 years since our first shopping experience and we are about to celebrate 18 years since the dressiest day in our lives. I am still happy to be 'cleaning up nice' with this guy after all this time. Here's to more fancy occasions and opportunities to make him look good.